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Our Club


Based around Gloucestershire, Gloucester Aikido Club is a friendly, local community of three Aikido clubs practising traditional Aikido.


“Aikido” can be translated as “the way of universal harmony”.  Gloucestershire Aikido Club practices what might be called “traditional” aikido, following the principles laid down by the founder Morihei Ueshiba Sensei (“O’Sensei”) in the first half of the twentieth century and taught today at the Hombu Dojo world aikido headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.

We achieve this through our association, Go Shin Kai, that is, in turn, directly associated with the Aikikai Foundation, the Founder's Dojo in Japan. This means all grades awarded by the club and Go Shin Kai are recognised and respected worldwide.

We have experienced, highly-qualified and dedicated teachers that respect the legacy of the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba (O'Sensei) and his direct students.

We practise all aspects of Aikido, including weapons Aiki Ken (wooden Japanese sword) and Aiki Jo (wooden staff) that are integral to empty-handed Aikido techniques.


Begginers over the age of 18 are always welcome, so just pop along to one of our classes or contact us.

Chi Kung Class


The Painswick Centre

OPEN 7-9pm

Kung Fu Training


Sir William Romney School

CLOSED for now

Kung Fu Training


The Painswick Centre

OPEN 8.30-11am


Here are some examples of our members practicing in the various club venues and courses:


Get in touch!

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© 2022 by Gloucestershire Aikido Club.

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